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Sea - Wikipedia
A sea is a large body of salt water. There are particular seas and the sea. The sea commonly refers to the ocean, the interconnected body of seawaters that spans most of Earth. Particular seas are either marginal seas, second-order sections of the oceanic sea (e.g. the Mediterranean Sea), or certain large, nearly landlocked bodies of water.


Sea - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sea at La Jolla, California in the Gulf of Catalina. A sea is a large body of salt water. It may be an ocean, or may be a large saltwater lake which like the Caspian Sea, lacks a natural outlet.

东南亚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
东南亚 (英語: Southeast Asia,缩写 SEA),即華人傳統所稱之 南洋,位于 亚洲 东南部,由 中國 以南、 印度 以東、 新幾內亞 以西與 澳洲 以北的多個 國家 、 地區 組成,是 第二次世界大战 后期才出现的地区名称。 东南亚分為两個區域,陸域為 中南半島,包括 柬埔寨 、 寮國 、 緬甸 、 越南 、 泰國 與 馬來半島,海域大致為 馬來群島 包括馬來西亞的 砂拉越 、 沙巴 、 汶莱 、 東帝汶 、 印度尼西亚 、 菲律賓 與 新加坡。 不過, 東南亞 國家往往也被 西方 學者、傳媒納入 东亚 的範圍。 此區地處 板塊 交界, 地震 、 火山 、 海嘯 活動頻繁。

Ocean and seas: what’s the difference? - UNESCO
Seas are generally smaller than the ocean, and are located at the point where the ocean meets land. Also, seas are often enclosed by land. Ocean, therefore, represents a much larger body of open water than a sea.

Sea - National Geographic Society
In general, a sea is defined as a portion of the ocean that is partly surrounded by land. Given that definition, there are about 50 seas around the world. But that number includes water bodies not always thought of as seas, such as the Gulf of Mexico and the Hudson Bay. Moreover, in some cases, a sea is completely landlocked.

SEA中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
SEA翻译:海,海洋, 海(指月球表面的广阔平坦地区,过去被认为是海)。

Sea - New World Encyclopedia
The sea is the interconnected system of all the Earth's oceanic waters, including the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern and Arctic Oceans. However, the word "sea" can also be used for many specific, much smaller bodies of seawater, such as the North Sea or the Red Sea.

词源趣谈:sea(大海)和ocean(大洋)到底有啥区别? - 知乎
英语中表示“海洋”的有两个单词,一个是sea,一个是ocean。 sea常常翻译成“大海”,ocean常常翻译为“大洋”。 这两个单词到底有什么区别呢? 这得从它俩的词源说起。 单词sea来自英国人的本族语 日耳曼语,所以是个通俗用语,可以泛指一般的海洋,比如travel by sea(海上旅行),at the sea(在海上)。 在表示具体一片海域时,sea常表示比较小的海洋,比如the Red Sea(红海)、the Black Sea(黑海)、the North Sea(北海)、the Mediterranean Sea(地中海)。 单词ocean来自希腊语,源自古希腊神话中 泰坦神族 中的大洋神俄刻阿诺斯(Oceanus)的名字。

World's Seas - Education
There are more than 50 seas on Earth. There are three major types of seas: nearly enclosed seas, partly enclosed seas, and hypersaline lakes. Nearly enclosed seas reach deeply into continents and are connected with the open ocean by narrow waterways called straits. Seas of this type include the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Sea.

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